Short, Calming Stretch – 3 minutes!

I’m always a fan of moving through a relaxing stretch session. I really enjoy spending a good bit of time working through a longer routine as a way to wind down. However, sometimes a short one can be just what the body needs. In this video, I’ll guide us through a short, calming stretch. Only 3-minutes of your time will be needed!

Flexibility training is just as valuable as our cardiovascular and resistance training exercises. It’s also one area that is easy to neglect. Regular stretching can help us to improve our athletic performance and recovery, get better sleep, and heighten our cognitive abilities. When we go too long without it, though, we increase the risk of injury, limit our range of motion, and make activities of daily living slightly more difficult.

If you’re not used to regular stretching, you may not know where to start or what type of routine to engage in. Over the years, what I have found to be helpful is starting with shorter flows that target the full body and then moving on to more targeted stretch routines. A flow like the one shared here can be great to add before or after a workout. It can also be done first thing in the morning or right before bed, both of which may be beneficial for overall well-being.

One thing to always consider when moving through your stretches is to be mindful as you move your body. You never want to push yourself through any intense pain or discomfort. So, be mindful and come out of the stretch if you experience any sharp, shooting sensations, burning, or anything else that feels abnormal.

This short, calming stretch routine requires no equipment, just some space to move. I’ll guide you through movements that will target the neck, back, core, arms, and legs. Hopefully, this is a routine that you find relaxing and one that you can revisit often. Please let me know how it goes in the comments below!