Pilates for Lower Body – 20 Minute Flow

Let’s work the legs! In this video, I’ll be taking you all through a Pilates for lower body workout. The only prop you’ll need is a loop band which we’ll use during some of our exercises. Let’s talk a little more about what to expect!

In this video our main focus will be exercises that target the legs and glutes. So, while the core will still be engaged and working (as we always want it to be), this will truly be Pilates for lower body routine. There will also be some other non-Pilates moves that we’ll blend in. If you don’t happen to have a loop band, that’s ok. You can still get a good workout without one.

As mentioned above, the core will be working, and this will help us to stay in our neutral spine. We’ll want this as we’re performing our exercises so that there isn’t any excessive arching or tucking of the pelvis. Both can take away from the effectiveness of the exercises or cause strain. Also, remember to connect to your breath.

This Pilates for lower body routine is only 20-minutes long. This makes it great to add on to a workout or perform solely, if you’re short on time. Let me know how it goes in the comments below! And, if you’re looking for another short routine, take a look at this 12-minute Pilates flow.