Prenatal Upper Body Stretch – 15 Minute

This video is specifically for all my expecting mamas out there who may be experiencing some upper body tension and tightness. While anyone can follow along with this prenatal upper body stretch routine, it is designed to focus on the areas that tend to become more strained during pregnancy.

Throughout the course of pregnancy, there are a host of anatomical changes that occur. Women may begin to experience rounding in the shoulders, strain in the lower back, tightness in the side body, etc.  Outside of the physical changes, the positions that we find ourselves in daily can also affect these areas. A lot of sitting, working on the computer or phone, and watching television, to name a few, may lead to the same physical discomforts.

Having a dedicated prenatal upper body stretch routine to follow can very beneficial. Movement during pregnancy is very important, and some form of a flexibility regimen is vital. Spending time relieving upper body tension will not only help with feeling better. It will also assist with your ability to move more comfortably and efficiently throughout your day. As you progress throughout your pregnancy, it may help for you to better cope with new physical changes. On top of this, it can be a nice mental release and a time where you can connect to your breath and quiet your mind.

Let me know in the comments how this prenatal upper body stretch routine goes for you!

P.S. If you’re looking for a lower body stretch routine, you can check out this video.

Beginner Sensual Dance Tutorial

Ok ladies, I have a new sensual dance tutorial to share with you all! I recently taught this during one of my in-person Sensual Dance & Floorwork classes, and it went so well! The song that we’ll be moving to ‘Lose Control’ by Ledisi.

One thing that we spent time focusing on during the class was how to move sensually while in one place. You’ll notice at the start of the routine, there will be time to move freely. Although it’s just a couple 8-counts before the actual choreography starts, it can help with becoming more comfortable with sensual movement. One tip would be to all listen to the song fully a few times and improvise in front of the mirror. The lyrics to the song really paint a picture of giving some TLC to that special someone. Aim to channel that while you move.

In this dance tutorial, we’ll start standing and then we’ll work our way down to the ground halfway through. In every tutorial, I try to break it down in steps so it’s a little easier to follow the choreography. We’ll start with learning a couple 8-counts and then we’ll move to the music for that part. We’ll continue in this manner until we reach the end if the dance tutorial.

You’ll hear me say it in this video (and pretty much every one lol), but allow yourself to move freely and comfortably. Don’t get too caught up in the steps if you find that you’re messing up in certain areas. With time and practice, you’ll find it easier to pick up the movements. Let me know how it goes in the comments below! 🙂

P.S. – If you need a quick lower body stretch after learning the routine, you can check out this hip flexor and inner thigh stretch!

Pilates Shoulder Bridges: How-to Video

Pilates shoulder bridges are a great exercise to include as a part of your routines. They’re great for the glutes and hamstrings In this video, I’ll be breaking down this exercise and discussing ways to progress the movement.

Pilates shoulder bridges can be done with a mix of variations, including kicks. They are routinely a part of a mat Pilates class and offer a mix of benefits for the body. When performing Pilates shoulder bridges, starting with a pelvic tilt plays a part in articulating the spine off the mat. However, you can also use a hinge to lift the hips off the ground. Some things to think about as you work through the bridges include:

  • Keep the feet firmly rooted down on the ground.
  • Engage the inner thighs so the legs remain in their parallel alignment.
  • Think about creating a long line from the shoulders to the knees.
  • Keep the hips even when lifting one leg off the ground.
  • Begin with Marching Bridges or simply static holds on leg before progressing to full kicks, if need be.

Another thing to consider is keeping your core engaged. With this movement, it’s easy to become solely focused on the lower body work. However, your core very much plays a part in the correct performance of Pilates shoulder bridges. Ensure that it is working throughout the movement to continue supporting the spine and keeping you steady.

As you keep practicing these moves, you’ll notice an improvement in your strength, stability, and control. Share in the comments below how this works out for you! 

Sensual Floorwork Tutorial – Int/Adv.

Here is an intermediate/advanced sensual floorwork tutorial for you to check out! In this video, we’ll be dancing to ‘Coffee’ by Miguel – I love this song. So, fun fact: this sensual floorwork tutorial is actually the first one I put together. I had been working on routines for a a little while. But I wanted to share some of what I had been doing. floor

With these tutorials, no heels are required. However, if you’d like to add them in for an extra flair, feel free. I would recommend some high socks or knees pads, as they can help with some of the movements. Also, this tutorial does include some moves that are a bit more advanced. It includes some inversions and flips that may require a bit of practice. If you have any head or neck injuries, it’s not recommended that you move through this.

If you’re looking for a more beginner level dance tutorial, you can check out this one! It doesn’t have any flips or inversions, so it’s better for who would like to start at a slower pace. Let me know how it goes in the comments below! 🙂