Benefits of Pelvic Tilts

Is there really a connection between pelvic tilts, sensual dance, and sexual response? While it may not sound like they all tie together, there is some correlation. In this video I wanted to discuss the benefits of pelvic tilts and how they can improve other areas of our life. Specifically, we’ll look at how our sensual dance moves and sexual experiences are impacted.

The pelvic tilt is a movement that is often done at the start of a Pilates class to help with connecting to the pelvic region and maintaining pelvic stability. It’s a small movement, but the benefits of pelvic tilts can go a long way. Practicing the movement requires that we engage the muscles of our core. Specifically, the transverse abdominis (the innermost layer of the core), and muscles within our back. Training these muscles to work as a unit allows us to have better control of our posture, improved stability, and enhanced performance of exercise.

We can also tie this into our sensual dance practice. Hip sways are a common move that I like to put into my dance flows. When performed correctly, we should feel the core muscles playing a role in the swing and gliding of our hips. Variations of pelvic tilts where you make subtle movements from left to right and in clockwise or counterclockwise directions can directly translate into these dances and help for them to feel more natural.

To add, the benefits of pelvic tilts can also tie into our sexual experiences. The pelvic floor is an interwoven connection of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels that support our pelvic organs. For women, it plays a large role in several functions, including continence, pregnancy, and sexual sensation. When our pelvic floor is healthy, it can help improve the overall outcome, and pelvic tilts are one way to work this area.

In the video, we’ll talk more about these different areas and explore a few movements and breathing techniques that you can use to get started. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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