Full Body Stretch – Yoga-Inspired

There is never a wrong time for a full body stretch. It can be great to mix in after a workout, before bed, or first thing in the morning. Sometimes, the mind just needs a mental break. This stretch session was Yoga-inspired. While it’s not an actual yoga flow, I’ll be incorporating stretches and poses that are often seen in yoga routines.

This flow starts with us standing before moving down onto the mat. If you tend experience tightness in the lower back and hamstrings, I suggest keeping some cushions or yoga blocks nearby. This may help if you feel limited when we’re in seated, kneeling, and reclined positions.

As we’re moving through, I’ll make sure to regularly mention when to breathe. The right breathing during stretching routines can help with easing further (and more comfortably) into your positions. Often times, we may not even realize that we’re holding our breath during movement. This is especially true when stretching if we’re feeling tightness. So remember to breeeaathhhe :-).

This yoga-inspired full body stretch is only 12 minutes long so squeeze it in whenever necessary. Let me know in the comments below how it turns out for you. Also, if you’re looking to improve your flexibility, check out this video where I share some tips on things that can help. Thanks for watching!